Our School Environment

At Hopespring Schools, we are committed to supporting our pupils in developing positive behaviour for learning that leads to the best possible achievement for everyone.
Our commitment to your safety
It is our highest priority to do everything we can to help you feel safe while you are a pupil with us at Hopespring. This means we will do what we can to care for you and protect you from harm, provide a safe and healthy school environment, and act on concerns that you or we have.
As schools, we are committed to:
Check all our staff carefully before they start work at the school, to make sure they are suitable to work with young people.
Check that our staff are appropriately qualified and receive regular training in safeguarding, health and safety, first aid, fire safety and behaviour management. This ensures they know how to keep you safe and deal properly with any concerns that arise.
Make sure that staff follow clear, set guidelines and procedures for keeping you safe while in school and on off-site trips and visits.
When using the internet, either at Hopespring or elsewhere, we recommend you follow these simple steps to help protect yourself:
1. Do not post any personal information online including your phone number, address, passwords or your school.
2. SPEAK UP! If you viewed something online that made you anxious, unsafe or uncomfortable, please speak to an adult that you trust.
3. Ask the question: “Why are they my friend online?” or “Why are they following me?” if you do not know someone.
4. Privacy settings should always be kept to a maximum. Use the search engines on social networking websites to find out how to do this.
5. Think carefully when "posting" or "sharing" a photo online. Remember, once a photo is posted online, people will be able to share or download the photo.
If you are worried about your own safety or welfare, or the safety and welfare of someone else, you can speak to any member of staff. You can do this even if your concern involves the conduct of another member of staff.
Alternatively, you can report a concern by submitting a concern form.
In order to make sure that everyone achieve the best possible outcome, of their learning, when our pupils come to Hopespring schools, we cannot accept behaviours that affects the opportunities for learning in our Schools.
There are two types of behaviours that we don’t accept in our schools:
Unacceptable behaviour will not be tolerated and will have serious sanctions attached. Abuse is an example of unacceptable behaviour in our schools. Anything such as fighting, assault, aggression towards others and bullying, which are all things that make the school an unsafe place to be where others feel frightened will be classified as unacceptable behaviour.
Undesirable behaviour will be challenged but there may not always be a sanction attached. An example of this is swearing. We don’t want to hear swearing in our school so we will work with you to try and reduce it and help you find alternative ways of expressing yourself.

How about bullying?
At Hopespring we are committed to working together to create an environment where no form of bullying is tolerated. We will encourage and help pupils to treat each other with respect and kindness, challenge any bullying we see or hear and impose appropriate sanctions for bullying.
If you feel you are being bullied you can speak to a member of staff at any time, or let us know that you have a concern that you want to discuss using this online form.
If you tell us you are being bullied we will deal with it quickly, sensitively and effectively and help ensure that the bullying does not continue. We will support you while the issue is being dealt with and afterwards.