Report a concernPlease give your name and contact details - we may need to contact you for further information. Name * First Name Last Name Phone * (###) ### #### Email I am a Hopespring Student Parent Other (please specify below) Other: What is the concern regarding Bullying Safeguarding Risk to Community Concerns at Home Welfare of a Child Other (please specify below) If you selected "other" above, please write a brief description in this box I want to report a concern in relation to (please check that apply): Myself Someone else If it's someone else, please tell us their name How did the concern happen? (please select that apply) Face to face By a student Online/cyberbullying By a member of staff Please tell us what happened Which Hopespring School is this concern about? Hopespring Newcastle Hopespring Sunderland (Bell Street Campus) Hopespring Sunderland (Seaview Campus) Before you submit * By clicking ‘submit’ your form will be emailed to a key member of staff at Hopespring School. We will deal with it quickly, sensitively and effectively. We cannot promise confidentiality; your information will be looked after responsibly and may need to be disclosed to relevant party. Thank you!