Times of A School Day

Depending on what individual needs, lessons might be broken down into smaller chunks of time. Regardless, all subjects will be covered over the span of the week. A typical day at a Hopespring independent school looks like this:


08:45 Breakfast available
09:00 Session One: Registration and target setting
09:20 Session Two: English or Maths
10:00 Break - emotional regulation and target setting, embedding learning from previous lesson
Session Three: Maths or English
11:00 Break - emotional regulation and target setting, embedding learning from previous lesson
11:20 Session Four: Society
12:00 Lunch - emotional regulation


12:30 Session Five: Personal Development - comprising elements of Post-16 Careers, RSE and Personal Fitness
13:10 Break - emotional regulation and target setting, embedding learning
13:20 Session Six: Further Academic Study Pathway and/or Vocational Study Pathway
14:10 Daily Review and Check Out
End of timetabled day for students
11:00 Break - emotional regulation and target setting, embedding learning from previous lesson
14:30+ Extra-Curricular (e.g. Reading Club, Samba Band)

Please note, Wednesdays remain staff training days where students will not be required to attend Hopespring if they are dual registered. If they are dual registered, their referring school undertakes responsibility for your child’s statutory entitlement to education on Wednesdays. This may involve other tuition and very often will be more vocational in nature, depending on the referring' school’s capacity. If your child is single registered with Hopespring as their primary roll, they will attend Hopespring five days a week.


Students are free to go to the local shops to get lunch if permission has been obtained from a Parent or Carer. Those on Free School Meals are issued with their allocated lunch money. Our children are also welcome to bring their own healthy packed lunches which can be kept in the kitchen. Drinking water is freely available at all times to students in classrooms.